Firefox is now on its attempt to create a world record by having the most downloaded software in 24 hours. Fellow Malaysians, let us be part of it and receive your, well, I could say, souvenir. It's a certificate that indicate you are part of the programme. it's nice, coz I have one already.
To join the record breaking attempt, just click on the button that I put on the right frame of this blog. As at 7.00 p.m, Malaysia had downloaded 19000+ of Firefox 3. Among ASEAN countries, Vietnam had the most.
Come on Malaysia! We have Cyberjaya, MSC, Putrajaya... So, let us show to the world that we are aware of the current happenings in the cyberspace.
Info : The 'Download Day 2008' will end at 2.16 a.m, 19th June 2008 in Malaysia and other GMT+8 countries...

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