I went to Shah Alam Stadium last Friday night. Well, quite a lot of people there. I think they went there with the same intention as mine. The eagerness to know what does the Selangor state government has for us, the people of Selangor.
For the moment, the government has 7 major projects for us which include 'program peningkatan hasil daripada bahan batuan dan mineral', 'tabung anak kelahiran Selangor', 'hadiah anak masuk universiti', 'caruman takaful dan perubatan percuma warga emas', 'pusat khidmat krisis sehenti (OSCC'), and 'tabung pendidikan anak-anak pekerja ladang.'
Well, those are some of the promises made under their manifestos. How about other promises? Let's just wait and see...
GERAMM [acronym for Gerakan Rakyat Anti-Manipulasi Minyak / Peoples' Movement For Anti-Manipulation of Oil] had set up an online petition to urge the government to decrease the oil price to an acceptable price.
Malaysians, if you believe that the oil price should be decreased, if you believe that somebody is manipulating the oil price, or if you believe that the oil price can be increased but not to a what-the-hell 78 cents, if you believe in what you believe, then just sign the petition by clicking the banner below...:
Or if you are a bit curious, and wanna know what GERAMM is all about, just click the small banner of GERAMM located at the right frame of this blog.
Firefox is now on its attempt to create a world record by having the most downloaded software in 24 hours. Fellow Malaysians, let us be part of it and receive your, well, I could say, souvenir. It's a certificate that indicate you are part of the programme. it's nice, coz I have one already.
To join the record breaking attempt, just click on the button that I put on the right frame of this blog. As at 7.00 p.m, Malaysia had downloaded 19000+ of Firefox 3. Among ASEAN countries, Vietnam had the most.
Come on Malaysia! We have Cyberjaya, MSC, Putrajaya... So, let us show to the world that we are aware of the current happenings in the cyberspace.
Info : The 'Download Day 2008' will end at 2.16 a.m, 19th June 2008 in Malaysia and other GMT+8 countries...
Click the above certificate for a clearer version of it...
Today, when I was on my way to the office, I saw many buntings which stated that "Awas! Kawasan kita sedang diserang DENGGI!" "Caution! Our place is being attacked by dengue fever!". When I read those wordings, my mind flew back to 2003, the year my mum was admitted to SJMC [Subang Jaya Medical Centre] for dengue.
Dengue is not like a normal fever. We cannot treat dengue as one. It is far more dangerous than normal fever. Normal fever may cause you to absent from school but dengue fever? It may cause you to absent from school FOREVER!
My friends, just take good care of our place, our home, our neighbourhood. I plead to all readers of Voices of Young Malaysians to make sure that there will be no single dengue cases in our neighbourhood. Make sure that every possible breeding places for Aedes mosquitoes are destroyed.
We do not want to see many bright future young Malaysians to die just like that, do we?
Well, there's nothing much that we can do. The oil price had increased already. In my last post, I said that it was semi-confirmed. And when I watched the news, the oil price is going to increase the next day. It's not like the normal 2 cents to 5 cents increase. The increase that was announced yesterday was the most unbelievable since 2002. 78 cents, which means that the new oil price in Malaysia will be RM 2.70 per litre. A far cry from the previous RM 1.92.
And of course, when announcing this, the 'golden' sentence will be burst out by the government. "Our oil price is still among the lowest in this region"... I am sick with this statement. Sick, sicker, sickest!! What? They want to compare our oil price with those in Singapore? Oh man! C'mon.. Before the government compare the oil price in Malaysia with the oil price in Singapore, why don't they compare the household annual income of Malaysians and Singaporeans. Singaporeans are rich people mate! Their household income [as per Malaysian ringgit] is higher.. The Singaporeans deserve the high price. But Malaysians? I think... I could not think... -_- ...
However, either we like it or not, the oil price is now RM 2.70 per litre and will be subjected to monthly reviews. Hopefully, the monthly reviews would decrease the oil price instead of the opposite. And as the nightmare is now a reality, what we could do is to face it. Well, just face it my friends! There's nothing more that we could do. Demos would led us nowhere. Memos would be ignored. The oil price will no longer revert to the old price.
Hmm.... just wondering, what is the fate of the biodiesel project [to generate car oil by processing the oil palm]? Why is it quiet when we need it the most?
Yeah... Our fear is getting nearer. I watched the news yesterday and it was semi-confirmed that we are going to have another oil price hike. No... I don't blame the government. I know and understand that the oil price are increasing globally.
But if the government has any measure that could control the oil price from increasing tremendously, I urge the government to use that measure. Coz I'm afraid that Malaysia will be like Indonesia where the increasing in oil price had led to many demonstrations.
Previously, the price for a plate of rice at Section 2 Shah Alam was RM 0.50 per plate... Now, they had increased the price to RM 1.00.
My mum used to open a nasi lemak stall and now she runs a secondary school canteen. No... it does not matter what my mum works as... What I want to tell you is how things have changed rapidly since early this year. This is a good information for all of you, especially to those who rarely [or NEVER] goes to a market before [hypermarket included.. ;p].
When my mum runs the nasi lemak stall, the price of rice that she used was around RM 16 to RM 17 for the packet of 10kg [SST 5%]. RM 18 was considered costly then for a nasi lemak seller like my mum. RM 20+ was crazy. But now, the cheapest price for a 10 kg SST 5% is around RM 26 - RM 27. For RM 18, you could only get an SST 15% 10 kg packet. Yet, people still want cheap prices for food.
Teachers in the school sometimes complaint about the price. They said that it should be cheaper. But they do not understand the suffering of the canteen runner nor any food seller in this country. Perhaps they are people who depend on their maid to go to the market thus make them unaware of the price hike? Well, who knows... ;)
The thing is, WE ARE HAVING FOOD CRISIS RIGHT NOW!!!! No more cheap foods.. I think one day, MC Ds will be for the elite classes and lower classes will only go to, what, KLG? Warung Setarbak?
Since I started blogging in 2002, I had - many times - talked about the issue of Bangsa Malaysia, the integration, the suppose-to-live-harmoniously-together Malaysians. But what had happened now? All of us tends to be racist, prejudice and speak on racial communal lines...
Just now, I visited Elizabeth Wong's blog and found a video made by our Malaysian artistes who want to see Malaysians living together peacefully. And of course, without racial sentiments that normally played by the politicians.
The video clip is nice and simple. The music was perfectly composed - light, easy and catchy. Kudos to the song writer and the lyricist. The lyrics - combined with the music - really touched my heart as an ordinary Malaysian.
Ladies and gentlemen, give your big round of applause, and of course, your big round of eyes, ears, and heart, to the Malaysian Artistes for Unity with their song, HERE IN MY HOME...
Verse 1
Hold on brother hold on The road is long. We’re on stony ground But I’m strong. You ain’t heavy
Verse 2
Oh there’s a misspoken truth that lies Colors don’t bind, oh no. What do they know? They speak falsely.
Here in my home I’ll tell you what its all about There’s just one hope here in my heart One love undivided That’s what it’s all about Please won’t you fall in one by one by one with me?
Verse 3
Push back sister won’t you push back? Love won’t wait. Just keep pushing on. Yes I’m strong. You ain’t heavy.
Verse 4
Oh don’t you worry about that… What we have shadows can’t deny Don’t you know it’s now or never?
[Bahasa Malaysia] Bertubi asakan berkurun lamanya Hati ke depan mencari yang sayang
Translation: Years of fears and years of tribulation The heart keeps searching for that endless devotion
[Mandarin] 手牵手大家一起走, 我代表华人开口未来就没有丢走
phonetics: shou qian shou da jia yi qi zou wo dai biao hua ren kai kou wei lai jiu mei you diu zou
translation: Hand in hand we’ll march like blood brothers I speak for my people we’ll find peace forever
[Tamil] இந்த பயணம் பயணம்.. என் வெற்றி தாகம், அந்த கனா காலம்.. நம் வெற்றி ராகம், நண்பா.. நண்பா..
phonetics: inthe payanam payanamm yen vettri thaagam anthee kaana kaalam naam vetri raagam... nanba nanba
translation: May the road ahead quench my thirst for success May the road behind echo a song of the blessed
Yes I feel it in my bones and I will let it be known No matter where I roam this is home sweet home
As the owner of this blog, I am NOT going to be held liable for: any misinformation, inaccurate facts in the postings, any problems to the readers' computers or any 'mind disturbing disease' associated with the reading of this blog. All writings were posted bona fide.