Sunday, 21 September 2008

File 30 : ‘Akta Hubungan Kaum’ – Race Relations Act

A few days ago, Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar had proposed an Act, which is at the moment known as the Race Relations Act (hereafter may be referred to as ‘the Act’) or ‘Akta Hubungan Kaum’ to be enacted. It has received well support from a number of Ministers.

However, do we really need such Act? Different people may have different views but for me, it is not necessary to have such Act.

With the Act, what was supposed to be a neutral racial relation will become a hypocrisy racial relation. For 51 years, Malaysians had been living together harmoniously and happily without the implementation of any Act to govern how relationship between ethnics should be conducted.

During my kindergarten days and primary school days, my friends and I went to school together, went to extra classes together and we even went to our English teacher’s house [Puan Santilakshmi – if I am not mistaken] for a Deepavali treat. Our relationships were great back then and there was not even one Act existed to govern our relationship.

But look at the scenario today. Ethnic relations are on the brink of collapse. Thus, instead of just coming out with a medicine to heal the sickness [an Act telling citizens what to do and what not to do on ethnic relations], it is better if the government could do a check up and prevent the sickness [by providing and nurturing young minds on ethnic relations]. After all, young minds are easier to nurture [melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya].

Furthermore, isn’t prevention is better than healing?
[Mencegah itu lebih baik dari mengubati…?]