Sometimes, people who give ideas never think of the pros and cons of their ideas. Once, there was an idea, to cap the minimum wages for domestic helper at RM 600 a month. Now, there is an idea to increase that RM 600 to RM 800 per month. We are talking big money here, man! RM 800!
I think, ideas that come nowadays have become more and more absurd. RM 800 nett! Wow! I think I want to be a domestic helper too. Hahaha...
It's not that I am jealous with that high salary or unable to give that much of money. No... I understand that sometimes, there are cases where the employer treats their domestic helper like slave. The problem is, I don't think that all domestic helpers are eligible to be paid RM 800 per month.
Just bear in mind, RM 800 is not a small amount of money. RM 800 per month nett. Which includes free meals everyday, free bills, free everything. So, when there are domestic helpers who do not know how to do their work, should they be paid RM 800 too?
There are domestic helpers, like from Indonesia, who don't even finish their SMA [Sekolah Menengah Atas or Upper Secondary School]. They don't know how to read, how to write. Sometimes, there are cases where the domestic helpers were not given extensive courses which resulted in their inabilities to do certain jobs. They don't know how to iron clothes, how to operate the washing machines...
If they don't even know how to do their basic works properly, is RM 800 per month acceptable?
Photo is my property.
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