Friday, 6 March 2009

File 39: Anarchy

an⋅ar⋅chy - (ān'ər-kē)

1. a state of society without government or law.
2. political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control: The death of the king was followed by a year of anarchy.
3. a theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.
4. confusion; chaos; disorder: Intellectual and moral anarchy followed his loss of faith.

anarchy. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved March 08, 2009, from website:


Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah was quoted as saying, "A lawless system breeds a lawless culture" [NST, 28th February 2009 - Frontpage]. I couldn't agree more with his views. He is absolutely right. Laws are the fundamentals of peace. There will be no peace without laws. Subsequently, without peace, a nation will collapse. Literally.

I still remember when I was a kid, there was a comic column in a comic known as KAWAN. The name of the column was, 'Kalaulah... [If...]'. Once, the issue for the column was 'Kalaulah tak ada undang-undang..[If law does not exist...]'. There was this one mother in an emergency. She went to the public phones only to find out that all the phones had been vandalised. Another strip in the column showed this one tough guy, loitering around the street with a baseball bat in his hand, extorting money from the people. Two policemen saw him but they couldn't do more. Because law did not governed the people.

The situation in Malaysia currently is towards the situation in the comic. To a state known as anarchy. A state where there are no laws to govern the people. Even if there is law, the people do not obey it.

Just look at the situation in school now; bully, gangsterism, they are getting from bad to worse. They put the course of law in their own hands. They do not resort to the authorities to lodge a report whatsoever. Are we going to let the authorities get their salaries paid for nothing? Oya just settled their problem and now, a new problem arised in Tok Janggut. What is happening to the young generations?

Politis; a lot more probelems. They think they are powerful as they are the law makers and they are well-versed with the law [do they?]. As if law is above them all. They said that court's judgment can be disobeyed as the judgment made was a bad judgment. Then, what is the purpose of having a justice system? What is the purpose of the courts in the first place. It is admitted that sometimes, courts do made decisions which were bad in law. But they can appeal to it.

In short, it is disheartening to see the situation today. The situation shows that justice and law is decreasing in value. Everybody wants to interprate law by themselves.


Are we moving towards the state of anarchy??? Hopefully not!

P/s: If this country does not follow the rule of law, how am I suppose to work later? =p No one is above the law!